Star Trek STNG Moments 37 Contagion
IF YOU LIKE THIS PROJECT PLEASE HIT THE LIKE BUTTON, LEAVE A COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNEL OR JOIN IN ON FACEBOOK • Join Me On PATREON • / thedarmokchannel • Or Buy me a Coffee on PayPal. Please. • • This is taken from my Star Trek The Next Generation Moments project that I'm working on. The project will show the best of STNG in a series of memorable moments from each episode. Still have some work to do on it, see what you think. • But please watch it from my STNG Moments Playlist, that way you can see each episode as they are ment to be seen. • TNG Moments Season Two • Summery. • Episode : 37 A dangerous alien computer virus runs rampant through the Enterprise after causing the destruction of her sister ship, the USS Yamato.