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江戸城本丸御殿内で播州赤穂の浅野内匠頭が吉良上野介に刃傷に及んだいわゆる「刃傷松の廊下」事件。殿中では刀を一寸以上抜いた者は死罪! • 浅野内匠頭は田村右京太夫屋敷の庭で即日切腹(東京新橋!現在はあの切腹最中で有名な和菓子屋さんのある場所) • 浅野内匠頭も通ったという田村右京太夫屋敷の脇門が東京都杉並区方南の東運寺に残されているというので行ってきました。 • 東京芝にあった一関田村家の門が三井家所有の織田有楽斎茶室の門となりさらに、昭和30年に東運寺に移築したもののようです。 • (一関田村家は戦国時代、豊臣秀吉の小田原の北条攻めに参陣しなかった為、改易された三春田村家が再興された家。伊達政宗の妻愛姫の実家でしたが謀略でつぶされたとも・・・) • またこの寺には安寿と厨子王の伝説も残り、そのことにちなむ釜が屋根の上に乗っています。 • おまけで東運寺(釜寺)のそばにある縄文遺跡「釜寺東遺跡」にもよってみました。 • ちなみに大石内蔵助の大石家は応仁の乱の際、嫡男候補を失い縁筋にあたる下野小山家より養子を迎えています。所領が戦場の京の都に近い近江国の大石というのも原因かもしれません。 • 【小山芳姫のツイッター】 •   / 1000roku   • The so-called Bashin Matsuno-no-Horoshita incident took place in the Honmaru Goten of Edo Castle when Asano Ueshogashira of Ako, Banshu, was attacked by Kira Uenosuke. In the palace, anyone who drew his sword more than an inch from his blade was guilty of death! • Takumi Asano committed seppuku on the same day in the garden of the residence of Ukyo-tayu Tamura (Tokyo Shimbashi!) (Where the famous wagashiya (Japanese sweets shop) is now located) • I visited Tounji Temple in Honan, Suginami Ward, Tokyo, where the side gate of Ukyo-tayu Tamura's mansion, where Shogun Asano also lived, is said to be still there. • The gate of the Ichinoseki Tamura family in Shiba, Tokyo, was used as the gate of the Oda-Yurakusai Tea House owned by the Mitsui family, and was moved to Tounji Temple in 1955. • (The Ichinoseki Tamura family was reestablished from the Miharu Tamura family, which had been exiled for not participating in Hideyoshi Toyotomi's attack on Hojo in Odawara during the Warring States period. It was the family home of Princess Ai, wife of Date Masamune, but was destroyed by a plot...) • The temple also retains the legend of Anju and King Kuruji, and a cauldron associated with them is on the roof. • As an added bonus, we also visited the Kamadera Higashi Ruins, a Jomon site located near Tounji Temple (Kamadera). • Incidentally, the Oishi family of Oishi Kuranosuke lost a potential heir during the Onin War and adopted a son from the Shimono-Koyama family, who were related to the Oishi family. This may be due to the fact that the Oishi family's territory was located in Omi Province, near the battlefield of Kyoto. • Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


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