Assembly the Ciclop Desktop Laser 3D Scanner
This is an assembly video of Ciclop Desktop Laser 3D Scanner from Buy it from here: • Easy to scan objects: • 1. Object space volume is greater than 5 x 5cm (space diameter and height) • 2. Object space volume is smaller than 20.3 x 20.3cm • 3. Object weighing is less than 3kg • 4. Object is stable and immobile • 5. Opaque objects • Difficult to scan objects: • 1. Object space volume is smaller than 5 x 5 cm • 2. Transparent objects (glass, organic plastics and so on) • 3. Luminous or strong reflective objects • 4. Very dark target or surface blur objects (such as plush toys) • Do not scan objects: • 1. Object space volume is greater 20.3 x 20.3cm • 2. Object weighing is greater than 3kg • 3. Moving objects