How to Perform a Voiding Trial
This is probably my favorite part in Hollow Knight, the carcasses falling from the sky, the music building as you climb towards freedom. It's perfect. The only problem is that the music during this part was never officially released. So I'm here to fix that. • This is my attempt at recreating the track that plays while you're climbing out of the Abyss. This track doesn't appear in the OST. Instead, the track Path of Pain is in the OST. The two tracks are similar in that they are both dynamic, however the order at which the new instruments are added is different. So I used Audacity to stitch together the correct dynamic track order by memory. As far as I know, no one else has done this and released the result publicly. The mixing is a little rough, but I think that this version of the track is far superior to the Path of Pain version. • The art was done by Awlita on Deviant Art. •