ASVAB Practice Test 5 Math Practice Questions


These practice test questions are directly related to the ASVAB math test, and the instructor walks you through each problem. If you still need more help with your ASVAB math test prep, visit any of the links below... • ►ASVAB Study Guide: • ►ASVAB Online Course: • ►ASVAB Flashcards: • ►ASVAB Math Study Guide:    • ASVAB Mechanical Comprehension (Study...   • ►ASVAB Study Guides Playlist:    • Free ASVAB Study Guide   • ►How to Pass the ASVAB Exam: • ►ASVAB Transcript: • Okay so, you have to be prepared for a lot of word problems on the arithmetic reasoning section on the ASVAB. Here is one example of something that you might see when you take the ASVAB. A woman has two bank accounts. One contains three hundred twenty-nine dollars and awards four percent in interest each month. The other contains nine hundred twenty-one dollars and awards seven percent in interest each month. What will the combined value of her two accounts be at the end of the month? Okay so, it's not really hard, it's just there are a lot of steps and you don't get to use a calculator. So, here's what I'd say, focus in. Don't get overwhelmed by all the different things you have to do, start somewhere. So, start with the first account. That she has three hundred twenty-nine dollars in it and she earns four percent interest for that month. We only have to find how much she has at the end of the month. So, just one month. So, to find how much interest she has, you take her three hundred twenty-nine dollars and multiply it times the four percent. But since we don't multiply by percents, you have to change that percent to a decimal by moving that decimal two places to the left. What this is going to give us is how much interest she earned on that account in that month. Four times nine is thirty-six. Four times two is eight, plus three is eleven. Four times three is twelve, plus one is thirteen. There are two numbers behind this decimal, so your answer should have two numbers behind the decimal. So, in that first account, where she had the three hundred twenty-nine dollars, she earned thirteen dollars and sixteen cents. To find the total that she has in that account, you need to add how much she deposited and the interest she earned. And when adding with decimals, you have to line them up. So, you can add a decimal at the end of three hundred twenty-nine, put the two zeroes so you can line it up with the thirteen dollars and sixteen cents. Now we just add, six, one, bring your decimal down, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, carry your one. One, two, three, four. Okay so, that's account one. In account one at the end of the month, she had three hundred forty-two dollars and sixteen cents. We're going to do the same thing with account two, it's just that the numbers are a little different. In account two she had nine hundred twenty-one dollars and earned seven percent in interest. So, to find the interest, multiply nine hundred twenty-one times the seven percent interest, but just like the four percent, you have to change it into a decimal. So, you take this decimal, move it two places to the left and it's seven-hundredths, now multiply. Also, I do want to point out, that when we're multiplying with decimals, we don't line up the decimals. You deal with the decimals at the end in your product. Seven times one is seven. Seven times two is fourteen. Seven times nine is sixty-three, plus one is sixty-four. Two numbers behind the decimal, two numbers behind the decimal. So in her second account, she earned sixty-four dollars and forty-seven cents. To find the total for that account, you just need to add the nine hundred twenty-one dollars, add that decimal and those zeroes, so you can line them up, and the sixty-four dollars and forty-seven cents. So we have seven, four, bring down your decimal, one plus four is five, two plus six is eight, nine hundred eighty-five dollars and forty-seven cents. Now, they did ask what will the combined value be. So the last thing we have to do, is add those two totals together. And I'm going to do it up here so I can line them up. Three hundred forty-two dollars and sixteen cents, and nine hundred eighty-five dollars and forty-seven cents. Six plus seven is thirteen, carry your one, that's six, bring down you decimal, two plus five is seven, four plus eight is twelve, carry your one, nine, ten, thirteen. So, one thousand three hundred twenty-seven dollars and sixty-three cents. • #mometrixtestprep #mometrixasvab #asvab #asvabexam #asvabtest #asvabreview #asvabprep #asvabpractice #asvabstudy #asvabpracticetest


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