Baby Hernia Surgery What is a hernia in Urdu ALSA Pakistan


Baby Hernia Surgery | What is a hernia in Urdu? | ALSA Pakistan • Inguinal Hernia in Babies: • Inguinal Hernia is a very common issue in babies. It is common both in girls and boys. However, boys mostly see it on the right side compared to the left side. • Reason: • The leading cause of inguinal Hernia is: During pregnancy when the baby is still in the mother's womb. The testicles then move down in the scrotum, the passage through which they pass down; if not closed properly, it causes Hernia. The path is patent processus vaginalis which is present on both sides. The passage may be thin or thick. Both types have some common conditions. • 1-Thin opening secretes water: • This same passage on the right side secretes water (known as hydrocele) due to the narrow opening. It usually does not require surgery and closes independently within 2 to 3. • 2- Through a Thick opening, tissue or organ may protrude: • If we specifically talk about this thick passage on the left side through which the intestine or other body organ or tissue may protrude. So, this condition is only treatable with surgery, and medicines are ineffective for this type of Hernia. • Investigation criteria: • To figure out this disease, no specific investigations are required. Usually, it is observed by parents or the pediatrician who notices this abnormal bulge and further refers to a pediatric surgeon. The surgery is not very complicated; relatively very common. When a patient admits, he is kept empty stomach at least six hours before surgery and can intake fluids only two hours before the operation. • The baby hernia treatment through surgery: • The surgery is done through laparoscopy; two incisions are given. One on the belly button and the other on the side of the belly. The tubes inserted through these incisions contains mini cameras through which Hernia is seen from both sides. After a thorough inspection of Hernia from the inside decision is taken whether to repair from one side or both. • • Recovery and Follow-up: • Recovery is smooth; the baby stays in observation for at least 2 hours after the surgery. Then, once he starts taking fluid, he is fit to go home. A further follow-up appointment is after one week. • __________________ • Follow us on Social Media Platforms • FACEBOOK @DrMohsinPediatricSurgeon •   / drmohsinpediatricsurgeon   • INSTAGRAM @DrMohsinPediatricSurgeon •   / drmohsinpaediatricsurgeon   • • __________________ • CONTACT US • 0333 5388203 • Website: • • • Email: • [email protected] • #babyherniasurgery #hernia #pediatricsurgery #herniasurgery • #laparoscopicsurgery • • ,


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