Youkai Girls Subconscious Swing
Original theme is Hartmann's Youkai Girl by ZUN of Touhou Project, from the game Touhou Chireiden (Touhou 11: Subterranean Animism). It is the boss theme of the Extra Stage boss, Koishi Komeiji. • This is kind of an experimental genre; I call it Techno Swing (though I think the swing part is a miss). But here I go; going along with my ideas and finishing it up! • Haha this one has a story behind it.. It was supposed to be done months ago, but I suddenly became lazy on finishing it, and Finals half of my college took lots of my time, so I was just able to finish it this past May, specifically, on the same day Reitaisai 9 was held, and so I consider this my Reitaisai 9 release. XD • EDIT - You can download this from my Dropbox! • • Soundcloud link here: • / youkai_girls_subconscious_swing • Image (by rontarou): • Arrange by yours truly. Hope you like it! :)