Optolong LeXtreme DualBand Filter Review
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The Optolong L-eXtreme is an exciting addition to the one-shot color filter selection. This filter is narrowband, with a 7nm FWHM Hydrogen alpha bandpass, and a 7nm FWHM Oxygen-III (doubly ionized oxygen) band. This filter cuts through light pollution and allows imaging of emission nebula, planetary nebula and even allows for imaging galaxies with active star-forming regions. • In this review, I used my experience and data acquired with the L-eXtreme and let you judge the results for yourself. Thank you to Jim Thompson, at Abbey Road Observatory for allowing me to use his data (specifically transmission graph) for this review. • Please consider making your astronomy purchases from my AgenaAstro affiliate link below. This helps me fund the channel and allows me to produce my tutorials and unbiased reviews that you can trust. • My link: https://bit.ly/3o5ltbm • Optolong L-eXtreme: https://bit.ly/33AsuHO • AFFILIATE LINKS: • This description contains AgenaAstro affiliate links. If you choose to purchase after clicking a link, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you. This helps me significantly in funding the channel and astronomy purchases, allowing me to produce tutorials and unbiased reviews that you can trust. If you enjoyed the information presented and/or found it helpful, please support my channel by making your astronomy purchases through my AgenaAstro link above. Thank you!