MALICE MIZER Live merveilles lespace Unmuted HD 1080p


HIYA! I uploaded this again with much better video and audio quality! And this time 100% complete! See it here:    • MALICE MIZER - merveilles l'espace (F...   • Hello there everyone, here is the full live DVD merveilles l'espace ~Shuuen to Kisuu~ by MALICE MIZER, in HD. This is not a poorly upscaled one, but an extremely good rip from the DVD. If you're curious on how to rip it so good, feel free to ask. Illuminati and Mezame no rasen (目醒めの螺旋) were cut out, download link is on the bottom of the description. • EDIT: No download link needed! Just click the link above to see the full live with these two tracks included! • So, it's finally reuploaded, and edited so it can't get copyright striked. All of the full versions of this concert were striked because of the choir just after Le Ciel, the owners of that recording decided to mute all videos containing it. So, how have I fixed it? I downloaded an other version of it from youtube, sped it up by 20%, and transposed it from F major to G major, after that, I edited it in the concert by removing the original audio, and editing in crowd sounds, from other parts of the concert, so it feels real. • This concert is amazing, it is seen as the epitome of MALICE MIZER, each performance is unique and varied, each song is different, has different colours, and emotion. It's so entertaining from start to finish, you never know what's going to come. If you are introducing someone to MALICE MIZER, this is the best way to do it. • Tracklist: • 00:00 - Bois de Merveilles • 02:20 - S-CONSCIOUS • 06:20 - ~de merveilles • 07:24 - Syunikiss ~Nidome no Aitou~ / Syunikiss ~二度目の哀悼~ • 12:00 - Gekka no Yasoukyoku / 月下の夜想曲 • 15:42 - Bel Air ~Kuuhaku no Toki no Naka de~ / ヴェル・エール~空白の瞬間の中で~ • 20:51 - Aegen / Egée ~Sugisarishi Kaze Totomo ni~ / エーゲ ~過ぎ去りし風と共に~ • 25:54 - Hamon / Kyousoukyoku / 波紋 / 協奏曲 • 35:39 - →→8←← (Yu~Ki Solo) • 40:15 - Gekka no Yasoukyoku de l'image / 月下の夜想曲 de l'image • 40:52 - Ju te veux • 45:30 - Brise • 50:20 - au revoir • 56:04 - Le ciel ~Kuuhaku no Kanata e~ / Le Ciel ~空白の彼方へ~ • 01:07:42 - Bois de Merveilles (Credits) • • DVD Title: merveilles l'espace ~Shuuen to Kisuu~ • Japanese Title: merveilles ~終焉と帰趨~ l'espace • Album: merveilles • Artist: MALICE MIZER • Japanese Artist Name: マリスミゼル • DVD Release Date: March 30, 2002 (Earlier on VHS) • Catalog Number: COBA-4162 • Label: Nippon Columbia • Members: • Vocal: Gackt • Guitar: Mana • Guitar: Közi • Bass: Yu~Ki • Percussion: Kami • • Here is Illuminati and Mezame no Rasen for download, if you really want to see it, I just don't want it on my channel. • But be warned, it is quite disturbing and very mature . • LINK REMOVED, the concert is now fully reuploaded! See it here:    • MALICE MIZER - merveilles l'espace (F...  


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