Moroccan villagers bury quake victims


(10 Sep 2023) • • FOR CLEAN VERSION SEE STORY NUMBER: 4452784 • • ASSOCIATED PRESS • Douar Tagadirte Tidili Village, Morocco - 09 September 2023 • 1. Men using shovels during burial of earthquake victims • HEADLINE: Moroccan villagers bury quake victims • 2. Various of burial of earthquake victims • ANNOTATION: “Residents of a Moroccan village have buried their dead after a rare and powerful earthquake struck the country.” • 3. Tilt up from burial plots to men with shovels • 4. Close of Rokaya, resident of Douar Tagadirte Tidili, wiping her tears • ANNOTATION: “The funerals were held in the village of Douar Tagadirte Tidili, about 52 miles from Ouarzazate.” • 5. SOUNDBITE (Amazigh) Rokaya (no surname given), Douar Tagadirte Tidili villager: • “The earthquake hit or I don’t know what it was. We were eating dinner before the electricity was cut off and we did not know what was happening. Our children and our family no longer knew whether they were alive or dead. We hope that the benefactors will help us, may God reward them well.” • ++VIDEO BELOW IS OVERLAID OVER PARTS OF SOUNDBITE • 5. Various of men looking at collapsed houses • 6. Pan of damaged wall • 7. Tilt down of damaged structures • 8. Clothing left on the rubble • ANNOTATION: The quake brought down walls made from stone and masonry, covering whole communities with rubble. • 9. Various of damaged structures • ANNOTATION: More than 2,000 people have been killed in the earthquake, and the toll was expected to rise as rescuers struggled to reach hard-hit remote areas. • • STORYLINE: • Residents of a Moroccan village began to bury their dead on Saturday after a rare and powerful earthquake struck the country. • • The funerals were held in the village of Douar Tagadirte Tidili, some 85 kilometres (52 miles) from Ouarzazate. • • More than 2,000 people were killed in the earthquake, and the toll was expected to rise as rescuers struggled Saturday to reach hard-hit remote areas. • • The magnitude-6.8 quake, the biggest to hit the North African country in 120 years, sent people fleeing their homes in terror and disbelief late Friday. • • One man said dishes and wall hangings began raining down, and people were knocked off their feet. • • The quake brought down walls made from stone and masonry, covering whole communities with rubble. • • The devastation gripped each town along the High Atlas’ steep and winding switchbacks in similar ways: homes folding in on themselves and mothers and fathers crying as boys and helmet-clad police carried the dead through the streets. • • Remote villages like those in the drought-stricken Ouargane Valley were largely cut off from the world when they lost electricity and cellphone service. • • By midday, people were outside mourning neighbours, surveying the damage on their camera phones and telling one another “May God save us.” • • At least 2,012 people died in the quake, mostly in Marrakech and five provinces near the epicenter, Morocco’s Interior Ministry reported Saturday night. At least 2,059 more people were injured — 1,404 critically — the ministry said. • • =========================================================== • • Clients are reminded to adhere to all listed restrictions and to check the terms of their licence agreements. For further assistance, please contact the AP Archive on: Tel +44(0)2074827482 Email: [email protected]. • • Find out more about AP Archive: • Twitter:   / ap_archive   • Facebook:   / aparchives   ​​ • Instagram:   / apnews   • • • You can license this story through AP Archive:


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