How to install AMXMODX 182 Extra Plugins on CounterStrike 16
How to install AMXMODX 1.8.2 + some Extra Plugins. • This is my very first tutorial and it's about Counter-Strike, from this video I will gonna teach you how to install AMXMODX + some plugins. That we can play in offline. • To change the cvar value the falling speed of parachute - open console type bind p(or what key you want) bind p amxmodmenu and find the plugin cvars open it and find the parachute selection, then change the value of parachute_fallspeed (10 or 15 or 20 what you want). • Then for the thirdpersonview just type in chat /thirdperson to go back in firstperson just type /firstperson . • Plus you can practice BGS or Bhop Ground Strafe. • Type in console sv_airaccelerate 100 so you can do SGS, GS. • Links of the files: • That's all for this video.