Kreutzer Etude 4 Practice Guide Staccato
(Etude Themes: Up-bow/Down-bow Staccato, Note endings) • This video offers some suggestions for how to practice Kreutzer Etude #4. • Etude #4 introduces a new stroke: the down-bow and up-bow staccatos. I love this stroke because I feel it is a companion to our martele exercises from Etude #2. However, instead of focusing our energy on the start of each note, we focus our energy on the end of each note - grinding to a halt to transform a smooth legato stroke into a series of staccatos. Slow practice will help develop your attention for this feeling of energy, and then you can bring up the tempo to release your arm and create a more listen-able sound. • Practice tips: • Really feel that this staccato arises out of legato arm motion. Remind yourself with a few legato bows when you forget this. • Make sure you are paying attention to the end of each staccato note, rather than the start. No martele accents in our staccato! • Start with downbow staccato, as it is easier to avoid giving those martele impulses at the start of the notes. • ---- • @00:00 Introduction • @1:30 Preparing the stroke: From legato to staccato • @5:00 Downbow staccato as a foil to divided martele • @6:15 Bowing recommendations (full bows, downbow/upbow) • @8:10 Practice consideration #1: Accented vs. unaccented notes • @9:30 Practice consideration #2: Full note values + bow division • @11:20 Practice consideration #3: Stop not start • @13:10 Additional exercise: Releasing fingers from the bow grip • @15:25 Play-through • ---- • Resources: • 1) Mimi Zweig teaches downbow/upbow staccato: • 2) Massart's Art of Studying Kreutzer : • 3) Winn's How to Study Kreutzer : • ---- • Playlist of all 42 Kreutzer Etudes: • Kreutzer Etudes: Violin Skills Practi... • #violin #classicalmusic #lesson #etude • Ben Bregman •