Radial Nerve part 2 Anatomy Tutorial
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Link to PayPal donation https://paypal.me/studentlamedicina?l... • / anatomy.knowledge • The deep branch of radial nerve is mainly motor. • As I’ve allready mentioned in the first part of this tutorial, the deep branch of radial nerve arises from the radial nerve in front of the lateral epicondyle. Soon leaves the lateral part of cubital fossa by piercing the substance of supinator muscle thus inervating this muscle. Before gives braches to the supinator, the deep branch of radial nerve also inervates the extensor carpi radialis brevis. • After passing through the supinator the deep branch arives in the posterior compartment of the forearm as the posterior interosseous nerve. • It desceds, firstly, on the abductor policis longus. • Then lies on the interoseous membrane in between extensor policis longus and extensor policis brevis. • On the distal part of the interosseous membrane lies lateraly to the extensor indicis. • The posterior interosseous nerve inervates all of those deep muscles of the posterior compartment of the forearm and is accompanied in his pathway by the posterior interosseous artery. • Apart from these muscles it also give branches to extensor digitorum, which covers the previously indicated muscles. • Branch to extensor digiti minimi and branch to extensor carpi ulnaris. • The posterior interosseous nerve terminates distaly to the extensor retinaculum as a pseudoganglion, inervating the wrist and intercarpal joints. • #radialnerve #anatomy #brachial