Seltene Tiere Der JangtseGlattschweinswal Neophocaena phocaenoides ssp asiaeorientalis
Jangtse-Glattwale in einem Delphinarium des Dolphin research centers in Wuhan. Diese Art gehört zu den kleinsten und seltensten Walarten der Welt. Der Baiji oder chinesische Flussdelphin ist wahrscheinlich schon ausgestorben. Einige Bilder von Präparaten am Institute of Hydrobiology in Wuhan werden auch gezeigt. • Links zum Jangtse-Glattwal: • z.B. • This video shows some recordings of the finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides ssp. asiaeorientalis) of the Yangtze River population ( river porpoise ) in the Dolphin research centers of the Institute of Hydrobiology in Wuhan. Due to excessive human activities in the Yangtze this fresh water population is meabwhile a highly endangered species. This animals belong to the smallest cetaceans. Length far below two meter, weight about 40 kg. There was also another endemic dolphin species in the Yangtze, the Baiji (Lipotes vexillifer). After about 3 million years in the Yangtze this wonderful species most likely extinct in the recent years (last sight in 2007). Some pictures of conserved Baiji in the Wuhan Institute of Hydrology were also shown.