Great Speeches The Sermon on the Mount


The Sermon on the Mount is a collection of sayings and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, which emphasizes his moral teaching found in the Gospel of Matthew. It is the first of the Five Discourses of Matthew and takes place relatively early in the Ministry of Jesus after he has been baptized by John the Baptist and preached in Galilee.The Sermon is the longest piece of teaching from Jesus in the New Testament, and has been one of the most widely quoted elements of the Canonical Gospels. It includes some of the best known teachings of Jesus, such as the Beatitudes, and the widely recited Lord's Prayer. To most believers in Jesus, the Sermon on the Mount contains the central tenets of Christian discipleship. • The Sermon on the Mount by Jesus of Nazareth was published in the King James Bible in 1611 and is in the public domain. This audio was recorded by and is narrated by David Mitchell. Copyright © 2006 LearnOutLoud, Inc. Any reproduction or illegal distribution of the content in any form will result in immediate action against the person concerned. • Jesus of Nazareth's Sermon on the Mount. This is part of our audio book Great Speeches in History. Download this audio book on MP3 for free on


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