63 Year Old Gamer Plays Days Gone Online Ep20

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Days Gone is a third-person action-adventure game set in a post-apocalyptic open world. The player controls Deacon St. John, an outlaw-turned-drifter-bounty-hunter who prefers life on the road to wilderness encampments. The game takes place two years after a pandemic killed almost all of humanity and transformed millions of others into Freakers, mindless, zombie-like creatures that evolve quickly. Swarmers, a nocturnal type of Freaker, hide in their nests during daytime but often congregate, wander around, and search for food and water at night. Players can lure Swarmers toward other enemies, causing the two groups to fight one another. Other enemies include Newts, who are infected adolescents and opportunistic hunters who only attack Deacon when he enters their territory or has poor health. The game also includes infected wildlife and hostile human enemies. Players can be overwhelmed by hordes and must keep their distance. Deacon can use firearms, melee weapons, traps, explosives, and choke points to kill Freakers. • The game is set in an open world in the Pacific Northwest. Players can freely explore the world on foot or using a motorcycle. The bike consumes fuel and becomes disabled if excessively damaged. Players must regularly refuel the bike at gas stations and camps and repair it using collected scraps. Deacon must establish trust with settlement camps and earn camp credits by completing missions, and by selling bounties and food. As the level of trust increases, players can purchase new weapons, supplies and motorcycle parts that can be used to enhance its speed, durability and maneuverability. The bike's appearance can also be customized. • • Hello, I'm 63 years of age and my name is Harry. I started playing Sony PlayStation video games on December 30, 2021, and it has help me to cope with the illness. So, I decided to start Harry's Gameplay channel on YouTube to show friends around the world that gaming can also help them with depression and anxiety too. • Please subscribe and like to help the channel algorithms @harrysgameplay9031. Thank you very much for your time. Stay safe and be aware of your surroundings. • Join my channel just $4.99 monthly click link below: •    / @harrysgameplay9031   • Donations are welcome @ https://cash.app/$Gameplay8 or @ https://www.paypal.me/HarrysGameplay.


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