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New postgraduate students and early career researchers looking for the perfect study design for their research question often ask “what is a systematic review?”. This video will explain what a systematic review is – a brief and easy-to-understand clarification. I also show an example of a systematic review. Next time you hear this question, refer them to this video. • The Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) methodology for systematic reviews is rigorous and scientifically sound. I follow this methodology for all the systematic reviews I conduct. Here is a link to the JBI Manual of Evidence Synthesis: • Here’s the short citation to the systematic review referred to in the video: Chiwaridzo et al. BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation (2017) 9:24 DOI 10.1186/s13102-017-0081-1 • If you are a (post)graduate student working on a masters or doctoral research project, and you are passionate about life, adamant to complete your studies successfully and ready to get a head-start on your academic career, this opportunity is for you! We are working on an awesome membership site - a safe haven offering you coaching, community and content to boost your research experience and productivity. Check it out! • Visit the Research Masterminds website for solutions to your research-related challenges: • Subscribe to the Research Masterminds YouTube channel: