Stín Katedrál by Petr Muk Translated Lyrics Czech Song 🇨🇿 ST
Stín Katedrál • (🇺🇸 The shadow of cathedrals, 🇧🇷 Sombra das Catedrais) • Performed by Petr Muk, • is one of my favorite Czech songs, so I felt inspired to translate the beautiful poem like lyrics. Translating any poem into any language obviously waters down the beauty of the original text, but can still keep the essence in a way. So I hope you'll like it. :) • Got the audio from: @LKScofielD • Corrected translated by: me :) • I DO NOT OWN THE MUSIC IN THIS VIDEO, NOR RIGHTS TO THIS MUSIC. • #czechsong #lyricsvideo • Czech song with lyrics translated into English and Portuguese.