簡易免揉牛奶吐司,3分鐘就學會,放上兩天柔軟依舊!Simple Noknead Milk Toast Learn in 3 minutes super soft

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#免揉吐司#牛奶麵包#柔軟蓬鬆 #no knead # toast #simple #milk bread #soft • ⭐食譜做出的麵包屬於咸麵包,如果想做甜麵包,可以把鹽改爲2.5g(1/2茶匙),糖50g(1/4杯)。 • ⭐食譜内的酵母是活性乾酵母,如果用速溶酵母(用量是活性乾酵母的一半),就不需要用溫牛奶和糖活化。如果用新鮮酵母,請用3倍的量。 • ⭐因爲發酵環境的溫度各有不同,發酵時間僅作參考,需要觀察麵糰發酵的大小而調整發酵時間(由於習慣了一夜的概念是晚上8點到明天8點,所以在影片裏的提示發酵一夜並沒有説明具體多長時間,這個麵包的冷藏發酵12小時以上16小時以下是最好的。如果時間太短會影響麵筋的生成,麵包就不會那麽柔軟好吃了)。 • ⭐在烘烤之前必须预热烤箱达到设定温度。 • ⭐因為每个烤箱都有所不同,在配方裏的烘烤温度和时间仅作参考。 • ⭐如果麵包上色比較早,可提早在麵包上蓋上一層烤爐紙,繼續用原來的溫度烘烤。 • Thank you for watching and supporting! Welcome to subscribe to my channel! • ⭐The bread made by the recipe is salty bread. If you want to make sweet bread, you can change the salt to 2.5g (1/2 teaspoon) and 50g (1/4 cup) sugar. • ⭐The yeast in the recipe is active dry yeast. If you use instant yeast (the amount is half of active dry yeast), you don't need to activate it with warm milk and sugar. If using fresh yeast, please use 3 times the amount. • ⭐Because the temperature of the fermentation environment is different, the fermentation time is only for reference, and it is necessary to observe the size of the dough fermentation and adjust the fermentation time(Because the concept of a one-night fermentation is from 8pm to tomorrow 8am , so the hint in the film does not specify how long it will last. The cold fermentation of this bread is best for 12 - 16 hours. Yes. If the time is too short, it will affect the production of gluten, and the bread will not be so soft and delicious). • ⭐The oven must be preheated to reach the set temperature before baking. • ⭐ Because each oven is different, the baking temperature and time in the recipe are for reference only. • ⭐If the bread got the color early, cover the bread with a layer of parchment paper early and continue to bake at the same temperature. • 成份:19cm(L) X 10cm(W) X 11cm(H)不粘吐司模 • 290g(1杯+3湯匙-1茶匙) 溫牛奶(約36℃/97℉) • 8g(2茶匙) 糖 • 5.5g(1.5茶匙) 活性乾酵母 • 50g(4湯匙) 融化無鹽牛油 • 340g(2杯) 高筋麵粉 • 7g(1.25茶匙) 鹽 • 在预热烤爐220℃/428℉(最下層,開風扇)烤約20分钟(烤7分鐘后可蓋烤爐紙) • Preheated oven to 220℃/428℉(bottom layer, turn on the fan) to bake for about 20 minutes(You can cover the parchment paper on the top of the bread after baking for 7 minutes) • Recipe:19cm(L) X 10cm(W) X 11cm(H) Non-stick toast mold • 290g(1cup+3tbsps-1tsp) warm milk (about 36℃/97℉) • 8g(2tsps) sugar • 5.5g(1.5tsps) active dry yeast • 50g(4tbsps) melted unsalted butter • 340g(2cups) bread flour • 7g(1tsp+1/4tsp) salt •    • 簡易免揉牛奶吐司,3分鐘就學會,放上兩天柔軟依舊!Simple No-kn...  


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