Nagdrive kami hanggang BAGUIO at WALANG TAO
Driving up to Baguio City on a chilly December in 2020 and finding out that it's devoid of the usual tourist crowd was an experience that Boneezy and I may never experience again. The serenity of our popular mountain destination was jarring and, at the same time, beautiful. We walked through the pine trees and enjoyed our coffee in peace and quiet. But, enough of this poetic captioning, check out the vlog and enjoy! • Also, this vlog is being brought to you by Breville! They've been an absolutely amazing brand to work with. They've given me and Boneezy kitchen equipment that have been functional and beautiful. If you need a kitchen appliance, they should be your first stop ;) • Also, check out our podcast: @MeganMikaelPodcast