Intro The Truth Seeker Project Episode 1


What is a truth seeker? They're people who want truth over what is comfortable. They don’t follow the crowd or trust what others say blindly. They question and test everything. They put emotion behind them and they look at the facts reasonably and logically. They don’t care if its unpopular, they don’t care if they lose their friends over it, they don’t care if it hurts or if it makes them feel bad. They want to follow nothing but the truth, they will stand with nothing but the truth, no matter what the cost is. Let me ask you something. How open are you to listening to a Ku Klux Klan member? How about a far right rebulican? Or A far left democrat? What about talking with members of the Westboro Baptist Chruch? When you think about those groups does it make you emotional? A truth seeker would leave their emotions, listen to their side, examine their arguments, and use logic and reason to come to a conclusion. So are you a truth seeker? The purpose of the truth seeker project is to present people with the facts and evidence on some of the most controversial subjects. I hope you will join me in the videos to come and examine the arguments that i will present. In reality, if we are both searching for the truth, that puts us both on the same side. • One Reality Films • Deception In The Church Watch here:    • Deception In The Church (2017) FULL C...   • Homophobia Watch here:    • Video   • Final Judgment Watch here:    • Final Judgment (2017) CHRISTIAN SHORT...   • Sin Kills Watch here:    • SIN KILLS | Full Christian Movie on L...  


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