Secret Behind Lavender Town


READ THIS: This is a contribution to the Lavender Town Syndrome Creepy Pasta • • • I am a big creepy pasta reader and this one was interesting to me so I made a video to support it! Also audacity does not show it but it actually says 'Leave now' • Anyway, if you're interested, you can read the story here: • I do not believe in Lavender Town Syndrome but its interesting to read. • My discoveries on this are frightening because I thought it was just edited in but no.. Only on the Japanese Pocket Monsters Red and Green Versions. And only on the Gameboy Versions. • Despite my dislike of reading. This story and many others on creepy pasta are always interesting to read even though I don't read books so much. I spend a lot of my time online and I have read a lot and these stories and they are very entertaining... Some are creepy, some scary.. • Everyone who reads the story at first will think its all fake but remember, It could be fake but its entertaining like all other creepy pastas online. • Anyone who says this video is real or fake, I don't have an answer. I can only assure you that this is in the copy of the game that I own and also in the rom I have saved on my computer. • Done with this now. Please go read the story though.. its again very entertaining and you wont be sorry after reading it.. I love creepy pastas and read a lot of stories online.


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