The Moving Pint at the Famous Haunted New Inn Gloucester
Several years ago my good friend Lyn Cinderey, who at the time ran the Gloucester Ghost Walks and was heavily involved in the New Inn, was interviewed by BBC Points West News. • The footage that the News programme showed was from CCTV camera recording. Someone at the Quiz Night event had a pint which came off the table, there was no one near it at the time. I know Lyn well and the video is genuine. There are explanations, both paranormal and sceptical, please have your say in the comments. • Lyn has two books on the paranormal and she sells them on Amazon, please see the links: • • • If you are interested in the paranormal, I have two other links re. the New Inn, both of these were from my captures. • This link is part of some features I made for community radio: • • Ghosts of Gloucester (Part 1) - The N... • This is the link to the videos that were mentioned in the radio feature: • • New Inn Gloucester Ghosts - Orb and H... • The New Inn is a hotel, should you wish to visit or stay please see the link: • • I have uploaded this to my eclectic channel rather than my paranormal one as this is not footage that I put together.