Updates That Changed Geometry Dash Forever

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=lGSXH8BlYYc

HUGE thanks to the clippers: heromium, hilarium, dynamic, BreadRollius, Sean_Epic, Eternal, Aaden, Sylvale cannol! • Hey guys! Welcome to the first ever yearly best of video that didn't come out in February, huzzah! Of course, new original videos will be coming soon but for the meantime please enjoy this wonderfully put together compilation of some of the best moments of 2024! • kukje abd sucbe • ———————❰ Links ❱——————— • My Texture Pack ❭❱ https://drive.google.com/drive/folder... • Discord Server ❭❱   / discord   • Menu Music ❭❱    • Phosphor -  OneShot OST   • Twitch ❭❱   / zeronium_   • My best achievements: • 1. Deimos -    • [NEW HARDEST] Deimos 100% (Extreme De...   • 2. Edge of Destiny -    • Edge of Destiny 100% (Extreme Demon) ...   • 3. The Yangire -    • The Yangire 100% (700th Extreme Demon...   • 4. Oblivion -    • Oblivion 100% (Extreme Demon) by benj...   • 5. ATOMIC CANNON Mk III -    • [VERIFIED] ATOMIC CANNON Mk III (Extr...   • Top 50 + Full Extreme Demon List: • https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/... • #GeometryDash #GD • Thanks to my YouTube members!! • Aquwus, availax, Caotic [GD], DisturbedO, Ezekiel Robinson, fernandobborges, Hallow, Helius, JusTJJ, Lchlan, Littze, mow, my cool chanel, Picklehead4, Will • Thanks to my Twitch subscribers!! • 739290, 1persend, 5punix, aabdomi, aera67, afryx__, afunnyjoke, agent_seriosity, ajtheperson1021, alivewizard, altixx_, amb1ense_, andythegreat315, ant1023gd, antimonypc, arbea11, arnargd, art044_, asterisk_21, at424_, audun_best, azaleacolon3, badmuchachoe, baljeetgd, banan123456674567, barelius, billyiscul, bipedalcat7, blazing1nf, blazingstardew, bluvinex, bobbyp02, brownoix_, bunkyrunky_, burgerr2042, camdyn5th, cassiopeeia__, cds6508, chairgaming36, chloechu_, choppydoppy, chronomic19, ckninja679, combine05, cookiedough5059, corrupted_gd, crushe__, customise_, cynth1an, cyrnooo, damndonny999, damoonx_, dasemuu, de_the_dumb_person_jan, decode_bs, decode_gd, deepstrider1, deffonotfrost, dhyll_, dimandash2, diyoswr, donkaroo, dopeyjoegd, dorilo78a, dust1657, dynamic729, ebun2548, efex35_, eggyburstmagic, electroolz, endersdoom_, envy_chicken, ermthatsatortoise, evo_gd, exa1024_, filqh, floppyfishh_, forwxrds, freddy1o1_, fridjon, frosty_pines, fsinthechat57, gamer_lachlan, gdcrisis, gdjv309, geiser1470, gl7d3, gmunygd, gnatonamat, goobyest, gravymaster360, hanocrux, hat_cbw, holycannol, hueshutup, iam_badatgames, icebeeeaaar, icywindy_, iemonthecitrus, iicejotaro, iichmagbaeume, imcalledmel, inbqq, influxgd, insertname4577, invduu, iplayonafreezer, isthata4x4, isvind777, itsq1m, jacksynrmyeller, jadelicious2, jbreak1k, jettjames, jianium, jodycondor, john_h_backlights, jubberr_, just_anvitar, kamalite1, karma8__, ketchuppacketgd, kiatilav_, klorfl, kubix_gd, l0ad1ng45, lainowey, lapizlaculi, letgabe3, lieb__, lightage101, limbobymindcap, llando_4, llystic, loaadingreal, ltzmateo, lucaskilli, lucky3jumps, macaroniandgameslive, madmd99, magentab, markel20004, masternick101, maverixspl, mayodevice_, mayogaming_, maztik_, mcdogesterr, meimux, melonademc, meloneater1_, memoriesbrokenreal, menaced_by_elves, mercuryydt, midorigd, miscgd, mitch_bigs, mmysticc_xd, mobilebotonpc, moistyjc, movatwister, mustangdfw, naththananan, nightbot, niikooooo_, normv6, not__skyyy, notesxdd, notflasky, notkinghelix, notlavender_, notsohappymeals, notspiko, ocinnamon, officialdreyt, ohgodohgodohno, onionpasta, opcube_, orbaist, ottersome113, overconfidentgd, overthiefayen, ozilyx, partimepaladin, phasm_e, piesy, piguyn, pinkgmd, plushgoeslive, presquott, probablynotalternate, puhniniuk, pyth0rxd, qilmon, qralph, randum_human__, realkwte, refrosted_, reneryx, rg18live, rinjeiio, ropo_088, runibnuuy, sandwichgodsg, schewpi_d, sean_epic67, seavista, senseisnesei, sgrit, simonpl4yz, skkyye, skyvvvvvvv, slidingace_, slothmanzeke, smellyazx, softmuffin76, somniumgd, spiralsk, spiringfiend, spiritwfz, squiddyjh, staticongd, sundaygmd, svensksvensk_2, swaysimple, tacoterrorizer1, talci_, tastybrgr, technicaljl, tedsmel, thatnexuzguy, thdestroyer55e, theogreenbear, therealmannyheffley, thexander1111, toddeyj, tonofsoup, trc4379, tropicalfire0, trsouless, tuemll, tuxu, twisty____________, ty3544, universalentropyy, unknowntrashname, v3x_0_, venomzgd, watermemon, widens_, wiluck_, yaxisq_, yetusdeletus2516, yoshikid6464, yyokii_, zberderker, zeeta_ii, zeus_gd, zkuroi_, zovori, zyrogama, zzinethar


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