Prison Break Season 2 TV Promos
Please note: By some twisted form of fate, my mom is friends with a woman whose son-in-law works for FOX making various TV spots for shows. He's done work for 24, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, K-Ville and Prison Break. After I made my 24 music video, I sent it to him on a disc to show him my work. In response, he sent me a six minute demo reel of his work with a letter impressed at how many clips I managed to fit in my four minute video. • Late last year, I asked his mother-in-law if she'd pass along a message for me. I asked his permission to upload a couple of the Prison Break promos in his demo reel as long as I gave him credit for his work, especially since Prison Break ended a few years back. He responded by saying he can't give any official confirmation, but thought it would be alright to do so. • Also, he said I didn't have to give him credit. I don't feel right in not giving him any credit, especially since I didn't make these trailers. Full credit goes to Murphy Gilson. I am only uploading them and thought it would be a cool blast from the past for people to see them again. :) • #PrisonBreak • #PrisonBreakSeason2 • #PrisonBreakSeason2Promos