2024 Prime RVX Series FULL BREAKDOWN
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Prime RVX 2: https://bit.ly/3uftsKa • Prime RVX 4: https://bit.ly/3szdsSQ • Prime RVX 6: https://bit.ly/40Fgv8G • New for 2024, Prime introduces the RVX series of compound bows. There are the RVX 2, 4 and 6, which are - respectively - 32-inch, 34-inch and 36-inch bows. All are powered by the Core cam, which is mod-specific for draw lengths and which features an movable draw stop to adjust letoff and to make minor draw length changes. These bows all feature the Prime swerve, which creates matching curves in the riser above and below the grip to balance riser flexing. Also, the grips are in the center of each bow to improve balance.