Stomping and deflating Mr Inflatable Gecko
Thanks to a subscriber for sending in the inflatable toy for me to play with! Its super colorful and fun to jump and bounce on! • I think this inflatable was first available in 2012 (almost 10 years old!), I liked that it had smooth edges which I found to be more comfortable than some inflatables with sharp edges where seams meet from the production process! • Packaging says best for 3 to 7 years old (oops) and measures 1.37m x 91cm when inflated! • Let me know in the comments what your favorite inflatable is or if you owned/own this! • If you'd like to own this vintage inflatable, you would have to search online or conveniently get it here with • • --------------------------------------------------------- • Track: Ikson - All Night [Official] • Music provided by Ikson® • Listen: • #97 All Night (Tropical House)