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Explanatory video where it is explained how Roman numerals from 1 to 100 are formed. •    / @matesisaprofe   • • Roman numerals. • • Roman numeration is a numbering system that developed in Ancient Rome and was used throughout the Roman Empire, remaining after its disappearance and still used in some areas. • This system uses some capital letters as symbols to represent certain values. Numbers are written as combinations of letters. For example, the year 2020 is written as MMXX, where each M represents 1000 units and each X represents 10 more units. • It is based on Etruscan numbering, which, unlike decimal numbering, which is based on a positional system, is based on an additive system (each sign represents a value that is added to the previous one). Roman numerals later evolved to a subtractive system, in which some signs instead of adding, subtracting. For example 4 in Etruscan numerals was represented as IIII (1 + 1 + 1 + 1), while in modern Roman numerals it is represented as IV. • Roman numerals.    • 🧮Las Reglas de los números romanos.   • Polynomials.    • Polinomios   • Logarithms    • Logaritmos   • Areas.    • Área y perímetro de figuras planas.   • Decimal in fraction    • 📒📗Convertir número decimal en fracció...   • If you liked it, do not forget to subscribe and activate the 🔔🔔campanita so as not to miss new publications. • Channel link •    / @matesisaprofe   • #Roman numerals


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