Kuliah terbuka estetika ini dalam rangka pameran seni rupa “BarBubart 2030” KHAT Muslim Artists Network. Tema yang diangkat adalah benar/salah, baik/buruk, indah/jelek . • Kegiatan yang diadakan bulan Mei 2018 itu terdiri dari dua pembicara, yaitu Andika Dwijatmiko yang membawakan materi Design as Problem Solving dan Deni Junaedi. Video ini memuat sesi kedua, yaitu Deni Junaedi. Adapun moderatornya adalah Cahyo Ahmad Irsyad. • • Welcome to PAINTING EXPLORER channel. I'm Deni Junaedi. Here, all are about paintings. There are some playlists: • 1. PAINTING CLASS presents my art lectures in the art institute or workshops. • 2. PAINTING EXPLANATION explains painting matters. • 3. PAINTING TECHNIQUES shows unique techniques in paintings. • 4. PAINTING ILLUSIONS contains videos about optical illusions, anamorphics, or deceptions. • 5. LIMITED PALLETE is for painting used just one, two, or three colors. • 6. STEP BY STEP PAINTING is for painting process videos, from the beginning to the end. • 7. OUTDOOR PAINTING is my experiences in outdoor painting practices or en plein air. • 8. PAINTING INTERVIEW gives my interview with artists. • 9. PAINTING VLOG tells my unique activities related paintings. • . • . • I was born on 21 June 1973 in Central Java, Indonesia. I am a painting lecturer in Painting Studios, Fine Art Department, Visual Arts Faculty, at The Arts Institute of Indonesia Yogyakarta (Institut Seni Indonesia Yogyakarta). I participate some art exhibitions held in Yogyakarta, Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Kendal, Solo, Semarang, Bali, Krabi, Petaling Jaya, Singapore, Hong Kong, Budapest, Eger, Portugal, Tokyo, Los Angeles, and New York. • . • I has created a lot painting styles, from realism, naturalism, cubism, surrealism, decorative, and abstract. I also uses many art material, such as watercolor, acrylic, oil color, pencil, pastel, ink, charcoal, paper, and canvas; as well as use some tools like brush, pallet, ink brush, and unconventional tools. • . • I am also an art writer for art magazines and launch an asthetics book, Aesthetics: Relations of Subjects, Objects, and Values (Estetika: Jalinan Subjek, Objek, dan Nilai). • . • . • Email: [email protected] • Facebook:   / paintingexplorer   • Instagram:   / painting_explorer_channel   • Bbuzzart: • • Name: Deni Junaedi • Place and date of birth: Sukorejo Kendal Central Java Indonesia / June 21, 1973 • Domicile: Yogyakarta Indonesia • Graduate Art School: Painting Studio, Fine Art Departement, Indonesian Institute of the Arts Yogyakarta (Institut Seni Indonesia/ISI Yogyakarta) • Postgraduate Art School: Graduate Program of Performing and Visual Art Studies (Program Pascasarjana Pengkajian Seni Pertunjukan and Seni Rupa) UGM Yogyakarta.


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