How to set up GeoNode with QGIS backend on Rancher
This video provides a walk though of the process of deploying GeoNode with QGIS server backend on Rancher. Please see : • • For detailed notes and links to the rancher-compose and docker-compose files used. • Also note that the video shows the use of the latest build of rancher server which we strongly discourage. Please add :stable to the end of the rancher server setup line so that you get a stable install: • mkdir /home/mysql • docker run -d -v /home/mysql:/var/lib/mysql --restart=unless-stopped -p 8080:8080 rancher/server:stable • Also in my browser (safari) rancher isn't always very good at updating status indicators without a page reload, so use reload page regularly if you don't see expected status changes. • Thanks to Rizky for building this procedure!