How to ultrasound the liver
Dr Ravindra BS | Appointment Booking No. 8762910298 • Consultant Gastroenterologist Hepatologist | Meenakshi Gastro Liver Care • Liver abscess is nothing but pus in the liver. This is of two types, one can be because of an amoeba that is a parasite and second is because of a bacteria. So one is a Liver abscess due to amoeba and second due to bacteria. How do they come? Number one they come with fever and right sided pain on the abdomen, that is number two. Number three is your appetite gets reduced and number four it may also comes with jaundice. So these are the reasons why they come with Liver abscess. How do we diagnose? We diagnose by an ultrasound scan and blood tests to show there is infection in the liver. How do we treat if it is a n early Liver abscess? We give IV antibiotics or oral antibiotics for 1 to 2 weeks, sometimes more also. If there is already pus formation, we drain, we put a tube and we drain all the pus of the Liver abscess. In case there is a problem like rupture, then very rarely we have to resort to surgery. Otherwise it is basically a medical treatment and if there a pus, we drain it with an ultrasound guided or a CT guided, putting a drain the Liver abscess. • #Liverabscess