Saltine Cracker Salad from the South
Saltine cracker salad is an old-timey Southern recipe that is unbelievably easy to make and ridiculously tasty. If you’ve never tried a cracker salad recipe before, it probably sounds like a bad idea, but definitely give this classic country dish a try. • You can print the entire cracker salad recipe at this link: • • Give this easy salad recipe a try and let me know what you think, and for more recipes check out the Chef Buck playlists: • / fromundertherock • and to print all recipes visit my website at • • Check current prices for a DASH GO EGG COOKER on Amazon • We appreciate you watching our videos...Thanks! • We include affiliate links for products on our website, so if you make a purchase after clicking on our links, we may earn a commission which helps us produce more videos and drink more coffee :^) We are participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, which is an affiliate advertising program that provides a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites, so we can make more videos. • • Connect with this media to catch all of my videos...thanks: • OUR TRAVEL CHANNEL: SLOWPOKE TRAVEL • / @slowpoketravel • TWITTER • / buckredbuck • INSTAGRAM • / buckredbuck • PRINT RECIPES AT MY WEBSITE: • • RECIPE PLAYLISTS: • / fromundertherock • Ingredients for a Saltine Cracker Salad • 1 sleeve of SALTINE CRACKERS • 1 cup chopped, fresh TOMATO • 2-3 chopped GREEN ONIONS • 1 chopped, boiled EGG ...or 2, if you love eggs • 1 cup MAYONNAISE • SALT and PEPPER to taste • ....ideally use fresh cracked black pepper, and be sure to give the salad a • taste test before adding salt, since the saltine crackers have lots of salt already. • How to Make Cracker Salad • If you have a degree in rocketry, it will not be needed for this salad. If you have a boiled egg already on hand, then this dish takes only moments to prepare. You can check current prices for a handy egg steamer if you’re the kinda person who likes having the odd boiled egg around. • In a bowl, empty one sleeve of saltine crackers, or unsalted crackers if you’re watching your sodium intake. Give crackers a rough crush by hand, but don’t overcrush! Then simply add the rest of the ingredients and toss until everything is combined. That’s’s like the opposite of rocket science. • This salad is extremely versatile and all ingredients can be adjusted for taste, but the • amounts I have listed are a good place to start. • If you want to jazz the dish up a bit, try adding some creamy horseradish sauce, or a little chili pepper, paprika, or hot sauce.