nanoHUBU Nanophotonic Modeling L15 2D Bandstructures
Table of Contents: • 00:00 Lecture 1.5: 2D Bandstructures • 00:24 Reciprocal Lattice Vectors • 00:35 Reciprocal Lattice Vectors • 03:14 Reciprocal Lattice Vectors • 03:51 Photonic Bandstructures: 2D Square Lattice of Dielectric Rods • 05:16 Photonic Bandstructures: 2D • This video is part of the nanoHUB-U course Nanophotonic Modeling by Peter Bermel currently offered on nanoHUB-U ( or on EdX ( • • Nanophotonic Modeling is an introduction to photonic materials and devices structured on the wavelength scale. Generally, these systems will be characterized as having critical dimensions at the nanometer scale. These can include nanophotonic, plasmonic, and metamaterial components and systems. This course presents advanced methods for simulating such nanophotonic and plasmonic optical systems, including photonic bandstructure solvers, transfer matrix analysis, rigorous coupled wave analysis, finite-difference time domain, and finite-element methods.