DIY Indestructible Weed Guard 3 mins Jig Head Upgrade
Subscribe for more jigfly patterns, underwater action and the occasionally reel fix 🔽🔽 • 7 peacock bass and still surviving! • I've shown you my DIY weed guard set up in a previous video. It worked great and caught me a good amount of fish. • But I'd noticed that the weed guard drops off when fighting some of the larger fishes, so I devised a better version. This version is still surviving after multiple large sized fishes and trips. • All it takes is just 3 mins and you can keep on fishing without worrying about losing the weed guard. Plus, it works great as a weedless jig so you don't have to be pulling weeds and garbage out of the rivers :D • Try it and let me know it works for you! • About UrbanBFS: • I fish in Singapore where fly fishing is mostly banned, hence the adaptation of the Jig Fly. • These jig flies can be paired with my BFS set up and has gotten me several peacock basses and cichlids. I share some of my takeaways and jig/lure patterns in this channel, browse my videos for more! • -- • Video Production by Loud Kitchen • • #diy #jigfishing #jighead