Replace Bixby With Amazon Alexa on Samsung Phones
Samsung really want you to use Bixby on your phone and have even created physical Bixby buttons on many of the Galaxy range of phones. There is good news though if you use Amazon Alexa as your main voice assistant, there is a way to remap the Bixby button to open Alexa instead. If you already have the Amazon Alexa app installed you can set Alexa to be the primary and default voice assistant on your phone and then change the mapping on the button to open this instead of Bixby. • In this video I'll show you how to change the default voice assistant to Alexa and use an app called BxActions to change what the Bixby button does. • Disclaimer: I have tried this on several phones and it has worked successfully, but I accept no responsibility for any adverse occurrences if it doesn't work. • • Check out Paul Hibbert at Hibbert Home Tech here: / @paulhibbert • The link to BxActions on the play store: • Music: • • #smarthome #homeautomation #technology #smarthometechnology #security #tech #interiordesign #iot #homesecurity #smarthomes #cctv #home #alexa #smartliving #smart #smarthouse #design #automation #accesscontrol #securitycamera #surveillance #smarthomeautomation #control #smarttech #smartlighting #architecture #smarthometech #electronics #hometheater #galaxy #samsunggalaxy #galaxynote8 #smartlock #innovation #homedecor #amazonalexa #blackfriday #lighting #securitysystem #wifi #realestate #luxury #smartplug #video #domotica #knx #smartbuilding #interior #smarthomesystem #doorlock #google #smarttechnology #securitycameras #smartcity #smartswitch #biometric #alarmsystem #camera #diy #samsung