Przycinanie lawendy wiosenne cięcie odmładzające
Why is it worth cutting lavender? Here's the reason! When we do not cut it, the plant loses the correct, compact habit, and begins to grow strongly and bloom only at the apexes. This leads to the creation of the so-called bald nest inside the bush. Fortunately, there are also young growths in it, but they must be stimulated to grow. It is necessary in this case to perform a rejuvenating cut. It is a very strong cut, about 1/3 the length of shoots. Rejuvenation of lavender bushes should be carried out every 4 years or every 5 years. Cutting not only rejuvenates the plant, but also promotes growth in the spring. Such a strong cut can cause weaker blooming in the upcoming season. The woody parts of the branches, unfortunately, are growing slower. However, it is necessary that in the following years lavender would look much better than before and it was abundantly covered with flowers. • Spring pruning of lavender is carried out at the turn of March and April. During each treatment, we form a lavender bush in the shape of a hemisphere. Such a cut not only favors the beautiful arrangement of flowers, but also allows access of air and light to the inside of the bush and prevents rotting or withering of twigs in the middle. For cutting, we can use a hedge trimmer or shears. With more shrubs, battery equipment works. • If possible, prune the lavender on a sunny and warm day. It can be windy. We never cut plants when it is cloudy and raining, because it favors the emergence of fungal diseases. • This lavender sowed itself. And that it is a plant liked by everyone in our family, it has been at the terrace and it can grow even more calmly. This is our peculiar dwarf . He is two years old and needs to be trimmed too. In order for the shrub to compact well, we cut it approximately by half or 1/3 of the height. • Let's not forget about the lavenders we grow in pots. The uncut ones will also lose their compact, nice shape. Twigs will be longer and uglier. Therefore, we also prune them. • If someone treats lavender not only as a decoration of the garden, but also as a useful crop, he can use the cut parts of the plant and collect young growths. After drying, the young leaves can be used as a spice, they can be added as an original addition to fish soups, mutton, rabbit or herb butter. We can also use them, for example, for aromatic baths. • Flowers of narrow-leaved lavender appear in June. They smell wonderful, look great, and the insects and butterflies that come to them look fabulous. It is worth to plant it in a sunny place, where we rest in the summer. • Subscribe :) • • / izabella.schick • #ogrod_na_co_dzien • He translated: Joachim