Nostalgia Critic Reviews ARENT Reviews
Doug Walker is the most influential movie reviewer on the internet. But is his much-copied formula for reviewing movies actually viable? Does the Nostalgia Critic really count as film criticism? And was the impact he had a positive one? • I felt a lot of things about what happened to Channel Awesome and how people talk about them now. I felt bad for Malcolm and Tamara, who I think are talented comedic performers and who weren't around for the things brought up in the Not So Awesome document. I felt embarrassed by my early videos where I tried to mimic the Channel Awesome template. And I felt that the bandwagon of (deserved) negative feeling towards Channel Awesome often came at the expense of acknowledging anything of merit to be found within the videos I used to enjoy watching. • So I decided to take a look at how these videos work, what can be learned from them, and what mistakes are made in how we think of what they're doing. By looking at where they succeed and where they fail, hopefully we can better understand what makes a good movie review. • Sonic source: • Sonic Movie Meme Green screen