Dead Cells Full Release Hunters Grenade Tutorial
This video will show you how to use the Hunter's Grenade that was implemented in the Brutal Update 4 (Early access, beta version). • UPDATE This still works as of the full release of the game across all platforms as far as I know. • The only real way to ensure this works is to obtain the Hunter's Grenade (after purchasing the unlock from the Collector). Once found (in the first level behind a door that charges a varied amount of gold depending on cell difficulty), you can either purchase the door unlock or break the door and work off a enemy curse penalty. It is important to note that you do NOT want to kill any enemies in the first level before obtaining the Hunter's Grenade if you are planning to work the curse off. This way, you can backtrack and clear the entire level to work the curse off. • Next, your top priority is to obtain an Ice Grenade, Ice bow or any other item that freezes monsters (any tier should do). If you do not get a freezing item specifically, you will either have serious difficulty with the 2nd phase of the process or you will fail. It is important to note that you CAN succeed w/o freezing the enemy to obtain the blueprint but it does make it more challenging, and for some elites, almost impossible to do without dying (again depending on cell difficulty). • Once that is completed, you just need to prepare the area for the monster you have targeted. It MUST be a monster that has an 'Elite' version (as an example, a 'Shocker' monster has no elite version and so this will not work on them). ***UPDATED: You should now be able to obtain blueprints from any monster that drops a blueprint as it will simply transform into an elite Zombie if an elite version of that monster does not exist (EX: Shocker Monster)(so you should be able to obtain any blueprint as of Update 6 of Beta though now that it is in full release, beta is no longer really a concern). • Throw the Hunter's Grenade at them and it will transform the monster into their elite counterpart (or an elite zombie), consume the Hunter's Grenade and drop an new item called 'Blueprint Extractor.' Pick that item up quickly and prepare yourself. • The objective is to dmg the monster enough to hit the 2nd phase and just a little more but NOT to kill it. You will be prompted to Use the Blueprint Extractor and when this happens, use your Freeze Grenade to freeze the target, then use the Blueprint Extractor. Be careful though. If you go all out and end up killing the elite with out using the Extractor, you will not get the blueprint. • That should be it! A blueprint has a 100% drop chance assuming you meet the conditions above and still have a blueprint the monster you are hunting can drop! • Enjoy and happy hunting! • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- • Dead Cells is a rogue-lite, metroidvania action-platformer. You'll explore a sprawling, ever-changing castle... assuming you’re able to fight your way past its keepers in 2D souls-lite combat. No checkpoints. Kill, die, learn, repeat. • (quoted from the description section on Steam's Dead Cells store page) • Dead Cells is a registered trademark and intellectual property of Motion Twin. • • Official 'Dead Cells' Steam page: •