Compassionate Inquiry My Healing from Dr Gabor Mates Approach
Compassionate Inquiry: My healing from Dr.Gabor Mate’s approach // Want to learn how compassionate inquiry by Dr Gabor Mate can help you to heal? Learn how a therapist who completed Dr. Gabor Mates compassionate inquiry online training had many experiences of healing though Dr Gabor Mates approach. Dr Gabor Mates Compassionate Inquiry approach helps heal childhood trauma, overcoming addiction and is a healing therapy designed to get to the root core of the issue so you can have your own healing. Compassionate Inquiry helps with healing mental health and emotional health. If you want to learn about Compassionate Inquiry and see how you can heal watch this video. • #compassionateinquiry #myhealingfromdrgabormate #tessmcmechan • ~~~~~~~ • Hi Beautiful Soul, • I am Tess, the founder of Uncharted Depths. • I am a Compassionate Growth Consultant who has trained and worked in addictions and mental health for many years. I am also trained in Compassionate Inquiry with Dr Gabor Mate, Shadow Work, The Compassion Key, and in shamanic work. Although it is my education and training that has situated me with qualifications, it is my life experience that has gifted me the ability to be present, empathetically attuned and compassionate with you. I am very passionate about your healing journey! I specialize in helping people to break free from addictions, limiting core belief systems, heal childhood trauma and learn how to reconnect with their authentic TRUE SELVES. • INSTAGRAM: / uncharted_depths • WEBSITE: • BLOG: • BOOK A SESSION: • Book your FREE 30 minute discovery session with me today! • • Compassionate Inquiry: My Healing fro...