Transform Attic Into Living Space Air Sealing amp Insulation Details
On our current project, we are turning an unconditioned attic space into a conditioned living space. This type of project can present unique challenges, especially when some of the design is out of your control. In this video I am going to share with you our plan of attack to properly air seal and insulate the space. Many might choose spray foam for this application but there are two main reasons we opted out of that method. Price and Risk. Once again, some of the design details were out of my control such as the provided head room and rafter depth. This is the plan we came up with, for the hand we have been dealt! • Instagram: / miillersconstruction • #attictransformation #attic #airsealing #buildingscience #unconditionedattic #conditionedspace #renovation #atticremodel #atticrenovation #remodeling #atticinsulation #fiberglassinsulation #rigidfoam #xpsfoam #buildingmaterials #airsealingdetails #insulationdetails #carpenter #carpentry