Getting started with DITA and Adobe FrameMaker 2019 release in less than 60 minutes
Stefan Gentz, Senior Worldwide #TechnicalCommunication Evangelist at Adobe, gave a very informative presentation on getting started with #DITA and Adobe #FrameMaker (2019 release) in less than 45 minutes at the Adobe Tech Comm Day Denmark 2019. • In this session, Stefan Gentz gave an introduction to the FrameMaker (2019 release) workspace and talks about how to: • • Create a new ditamap from scratch to organize your topics • • Create your first DITA topic and some first content • • Customize the DITA template to your needs • • Reuse content • • Publish your ditamap to Responsive HTML5 and PDF • Explore all the presentations given by Technical Partners and Adobe Tech Comm Product experts: https://adobe-techcomm-day-2019-denma... • Stay tuned to our social channels for further updates on our upcoming webinars, events, roadshow, and lots more! • LinkedIn: / adobetcs • Twitter: / adobetcs • Facebook: / adobetcs