Transform Your Relationship Part 8 Reap The Rewards
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ 🔅 / This was a pretty heavy series, so we wanted to dedicate this final video to something joyful. • The fruits of a conscious marriage • It's like all those fantasies you had when you first met your partner come true. Only this time it's based on reality instead of fantasy. It's an amazing, healing process. • Mike and I are still works in progress • Just because we're doing this video series doesn't mean we're there, at a perfectly conscious relationship. After all, our relationship's only three years old. We're still rookies! But we have the tools we need to work through things, and such a great foundation to build on. • Our relationship has expanded who I am • I'm more courageous, with amore expansive sense of self, and it's because of the journey I've gone on with Michael. • Mike's grown tremendously as well • I've grown more in this marriage than I have in the 30 years that preceded it, he says. And while that may be a wee bit of an overstatement, he has become more expressive and in touch with his emotions. • Conscious marriages are now able to look outward • Once you heal yourself and your relationship, you're suddenly able to look outward and turn some of your efforts to the world - getting more involved in the environment, people in need, and other good causes. • We're all works in progress • Let's keep working on our progress together. Now go out and enjoy the fruits of your conscious relationship! • Learn more about IMAGO and find a therapist at: Pregnant? Check out my baby registry checklist: • • Here are all my fav products for natural living: • • Curious about the equipment we use to make these videos? • • THANK YOU FOR WATCHING AND SUBSCRIBING! • , • ❤️❤️❤️ • Genevieve Howland, aka Mama Natural • Bestselling author of The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Guide to Pregnancy Childbirth ➡️ • Co-Founder of • FB: • IG: / mamanatural • Pin: / mamanatural