Wall-E - In honor of Disney latest Pixar Movie. • • NXT - The next (or just the beginning) of Lego's programmable brick technology. Lego has done an amazing job of allowing it's technology to be fully 'hacked' Hardware as much as software wise. (uses 1 rechargeable pack or 6 AA batt) . • • Lego Technic - Super well engineered Lego piece that allow you to designed anything you can imagine. It evolved from stud to studless similarly like the RCX evolved into the NXT yet all of it -ALL Lego- works together from the first piece 50 years ago to the latest Bionicle set. • • Power Functions (PF) - Lego latest motor system for the Technic line. (uses 6 AA batt) • • HiTechnic - A Lego certified third party sensor vendor, makers of the IRlink to name just one, allows the control of PF motors via the NXT. • • Mindsensors - Yet another third party sensor vendor, first to develop the NXTServo module, allow for up to 8 RC hobby servos (like Futaba's) to be controlled via only one NXT's sensor port. (uses 4 AA batt). • • NXT-G - The software designed by Labview that ships with the retail NXT kit. • my Wall-E NXT - just one example of combining all of these technologies into one well known cinema robo-hero. • • SPECS: 1 NXT with rechargable pack, 3 Servo Motors, 4 PF motors, 2 IR receiver, 1 UltraSonic sensor, 1 sound sensor, 1 IRlink, 1 NXTservo module and 1 mini RC servo, 10 AA batteries and Lego from the Bulldozer #8275 and other parts from various technic sets, topped with over 100 hours of fun. • • Again THANKYOU all for your support, comments and kind words. Remember you can always eMail me for any Lego related questions. • • Marc-A •