5K Spotters achtervolgen Cabview Holland Rhenen Amsterdam SLT 17mei 2021

>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ http://youtube.com/watch?v=le7JCVx76rY

▼Read about supporting CABVIEW HOLLAND below▼ • During this ride, the Cabview Holland Express is spotted by 3 VIP Spotters at 4 locations. How is that possible? At Utrecht Vaartsche Rijn we see an old acquaintance: Peppiepro Gamez (36:13). At Utrecht Central Station, arrivals and departures are filmed by Bram Werkman and Sanderbin (39:07 and 45:25). Bram takes the Intercity, catches up with us at Breukelen (57:27) and then films our arrival at Bijlmer - ArenA (1:12:41). Your driver loves this, thank you for your contributions! If you also want to film the Cabview Holland Express, send me an email for information. Enjoy watching! • Tijdens deze rit wordt de Cabview Holland Express door 3 VIP Spotters op 4 locaties gespot. Hoe dat kan? Op Utrecht Vaartsche Rijn zien we een oude bekende: Peppiepro Gamez (36:13). Op Utrecht Centraal worden aankomst en vertrek gefilmd door Bram Werkman en Sanderbin (39:07 en 45:25). Bram neemt de Intercity, haalt ons in op Breukelen (57:27) om daarna onze aankomst op Bijlmer - ArenA te filmen (1:12:41). Jullie machinist vindt dit geweldig, bedankt voor jullie bijdragen! Wil jij ook de Cabview Holland Express filmen, stuur me dan een mail voor informatie. Veel kijkplezier! • Donate: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr... • DONATE? - Dear followers! Making high-quality videos for you costs a lot of time and money. However, your daily flow of positive responses make it worthwhile. If you would like to help me out, you can! For example, by promoting my videos on social media. Or adding subtitles. Additionally, you can also help by answering questions fellow viewers post in the comments. Finally, I have made a PayPal link which you can donate to if you wish to give a monetary contribution. No matter how you support, thank you very much! • Copyright © 2021 CABVIEW HOLLAND all rights reserved • Watch more train cab view movies at my channels: • TRAIN DRIVER'S POV • https://tinyurl.com/traindriverspov • HYPERLAPSE HOLLAND • https://tinyurl.com/hyperlapseholland • TRAINS IN HOLLAND • https://tinyurl.com/trainsinholland • 24TRAINS • https://24trains.tv • DISCORD van fans voor fans • https://tinyurl.com/cvhdiscord • THE OFFICIAL WEBSITE • https://tdpovcvhhyp.jouwweb.nl powered by Damian Sander • INSTAGRAM: •   / cabviewholland   • All my videos are copyrighted. Contact me for more information. • Song: Joakim Karud - Great Days • Music provided by BreakingCopyright:    • [Non Copyrighted Music] @JoakimKarud ...  


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