How to read a Box and whiskers Plot


In this video you will learn about Box and Whisker Plots. • A box and whisker plot takes data and divides it into four parts. • Transcript • Hi Welcome to MooMooMath. • Today we are going to look at Box and Whisker Plots • A Box and Whisker Plot takes data and divides it into four parts. • To divide this into four parts we need five special numbers. • The five number summary is, • the smallest value or the minimum, • the largest value or the maximum, and that is just listing your data from smallest to largest. • You can see the spread of your data from high to low. • The other three numbers in the five number summary are, • the median which is the number that falls in the very center of the data or middle number. • You then find the lower quartile which is the middle number of the lower half, and the middle number of the top half. • So now what you have is 1,2,3,4 equal parts ( they might be longer or shorter) but your data falls into four parts • That is what we call quartiles. • We call this lowest quartile is Q1 which is at the top of the first 25 percent. • The median falls in the middle of the data and is at the 50 percent mark. • 50 percent of the data falls below the median and 50 percent falls above the median, • Finally you have the upper quartile which sits at 75 % of the data. • You have 25 25 and another 25 so that sits at the 75 percent of the data. • The top 25 percent falls in this range. • So now you have your data divided into four parts called quartiles. • Lets look at an example and interpret a box and whisker plot. • We can see the median grade ( this is just test grades) is an 80. • When I list all of my grades from high to low the middle • The low score is a 65 and my high is a 100. • What is nice about looking at your max and minimum is that you can find your range quickly 100-65 equals 35 which is my spread of my data. • I also know that only 25 percent of my data fell between 65 to 75, and my next percent of grades fell between a 70 and 75, my next percent of grades fell between 80 and 85 and the top percent of grades fell between 90 and 100. • As a student, if I made an 85 I would know I was in the third quartile, not in the top group, but I was above average the median in the class. • That is how you can use Box and Whiskers Plot to interpret data. • Hope this video helped • ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ • Please watch: Study Skills Teacher's Secret Guide to your Best Grades •    • My new book-Study Skills Teacher's Se...   • ~-~~-~~~-~~-~


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