How to Strum 68 Time
>> YOUR LINK HERE: ___ ⬅️ More free resources! • Basic 6/8 strumming pattern: • • Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, Up: This pattern can be a good starting point, where you play a downstroke on the '1' and '4' counts, and an upstroke on the '2' and '5' counts, with the 'and' beats being very light or skipped. • Variations: • • Add more downstrokes: • Depending on the song, you can add more downstrokes on the 'and' beats for a fuller sound. • Happy Strumming 😊 🎶 • 🙏 Help support Ukuleles Unanimous by donating: • • @UkulelesUnanimous • #ukulele #music #learning #trending #tutorial #easy