NIGHT by Elie Wiesel Complete Audiobook HD


📗 Night by Elie Wiesel: Summary . • 🧧The story of Night follows the life of Elie Wiesel, an orthodox Jew who was sent to Auschwitz during the 1940s. As a teenager, he struggled to maintain his faith and witness the atrocities that occurred at the concentration camp. Prisoners were regularly abused and subjected to starvation. The doctors at Auschwitz regularly perform a selection process that allows them to decide who is unfit to work and will be executed. As a result, Eliezer often sacrifices his own survival to look after his father, who is not expected to live long enough to witness the liberation of the camp. • 📗 Night by Elie Wiesel plot. • 🧧Elie Wiesel, then 12 years old, spends a lot of time and energy studying the Talmud and Jewish mysticism in the Romanian town of Sighet in 1944. Moshe the Beadle, his instructor, tells them that Nazi aggressors would soon disrupt the tranquility of their existence after returning from a near-death experience. • 📗 Night's main themes. • 🧧In his autobiography Night, Elie Wiesel identifies and investigates three key themes: the spiritual journey of an individual, dehumanization, and interpersonal interactions. • 📗 Night's Thesis. • 🧧Elie Wiesel explores how a person's religious beliefs are pushed to the limit in Night. The author demonstrates how the main character's dehumanization caused him to progressively lose his humanity. • 📗 About Author. • 🧧In Sighet, Transylvania, which is today a part of Romania, Elie Wiesel was born in 1928. He was fifteen years old when the Nazis sent him and his family to Auschwitz. Elie Wiesel studied in Paris after the war before starting a career as a journalist. He was convinced to write about his experiences in the death camps after a conversation with the renowned French author Francois Mauriac. La Nuit or Night, his critically acclaimed book as a result, has now been published in more than thirty different languages. • • 💖HONORABLE MENTIONS • 🔺🔺🔺Man's Search For Meaning🔺🔺🔺   • Man's Search For Meaning Book. (HD)   • In this book, Dr. Frankl explains the experience which led to his discovery of logo therapy . As a longtime prisoner in bestial concentration camps he found himself stripped to naked existence. His father, mother, brother, and his wife died in camps or were sent to the gas ovens, so that, excepting for his sister, his entire family perished in these camps. How could he - every possession lost, every value destroyed, suffering from hunger, cold and brutality, hourly expecting extermination - how could he find life worth preserving? A psychiatrist who personally has faced such extremity is a psychiatrist worth listening to. • • Despite the impending threat of war, a love story emerges. Rinaldi, a friend of Henry's, introduces him to Catherine Barkley, a British nurse. Originally planned as a diversion for Rinaldi, Catherine and Henry build a connection. What starts as a fling becomes a profound love, providing a striking contrast to the horror surrounding them. • 💖HONORABLE MENTIONS • 🔺🔺🔺If This Is a Man by Promo levi:🔺🔺🔺   • If This Is a Man by Primo levi comple...   • 🔺🔺🔺Man's Search For Meaning🔺🔺🔺    • Man's Search For Meaning full audiobook   • • Consider supporting us: •


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