Top 5 Lean Protein Foods You Should Eat
Plant protein is incredibly abundant. Common and cheap plant foods are sources of plentiful plant protein. A look at plant based protein sources and common myths surrounding animal protein vs plant protein, e.g. amino acids and absorption. This is top 7 Plant Protein sources. • Plant-based diets are more popular than ever. We're slowly realizing that plant protein is abundant and may bring health benefits. • Here’s my top7 plant protein sources: Plant protein Number 7 is Tempeh. tempeh is a triple threat. jam-packed with plant protein, a fermented food AND it can lower your cholesterol • protein is easy to find. recommended dietary allowance (RDA)=64g (man) • Plant protein Number 6 is Lentils. 1 cup of lentils has 18g of plant protein, 16g of fiber and a 1/3 of your daily iron. • studies show people getting more protein from plants tend to live longer. these studies can’t prove plant protein is responsible. other differences in plant-eaters may account for the benefits. but given the health benefits of a plant-rich diet, it’s plausible • Plant protein Number 5 is edamame. Edamame are fresh, unprocessed soy beans. 1 cup edamame = 19g of plant protein (1/3 the RDA) • we don’t need protein powders. vast majority of us can get all the protein we need from food. That’s not to say protein powder is unhealthy, but try not to think of it as a replacement for food • studies on associations with protein; obsession with protein; plant protein may be a marker for plant-rich diet • Plant protein Number 4 - hummus (blended Chickpeas) • plant protein lacks amino acids? all plants contain all 9 essential amino acids. proportions vary so eating a variety of plants ensures you get a proper mix. • is plant protein less well absorbed? most recent evidence in humans indicates little to no difference between plant protein and animal protein digestibility. since we eat protein in excess, any small differences aren’t meaningful in practice. for most of us, both animal protein and plant protein provide all the amino acids we need • Plant protein Number 3-Oatmeal. not as concentrated in protein as legumes, but whole grains are great sources of plant protein. you can easily hit 20 or 25g of protein for breakfast • Plant protein Number 2-Chia seeds. Most of us don’t eat cups of chia seeds, that’s ok. 3 tablespoons on oatmeal or in a chia pudding: 5g of plant protein, almost 20% of your calcium and half your iron. plus soluble fiber which lowers cholesterol and feeds your microbiome and omega 3 healthy fats. hemp seeds = more than twice the protein as chia. • In longevity studies, even shifting just 3% of calories from animal protein to plant protein was associated with a drop in mortality. So if you don't want to eat 100% plants, even small changes have been linked to benefits • Plant protein Number 1- greens have protein too. Kale, broccoli, asparagus are examples of protein-rich greens. additional video with more info on complete proteins • Connect with me: • Facebook: / drgilcarvalho • Twitter: / nutritionmades3 • Animations: Even Topland @toplandmedia • References: • tempeh recipes: • plant protein benefits: • • • lentil dahl recipe: • edamame recipes: • • • • how to make hummus: • HOW TO MAKE HUMMUS | healthy easy h... • plant protein digestibility: • • • Disclaimer: The contents of this video are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, nor to replace medical care. The information presented herein is accurate and conforms to the available scientific evidence to the best of the author's knowledge as of the time of posting. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions regarding any medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of information contained in Nutrition Made Simple!. • #NutritionMadeSimple #GilCarvalho