DIY DISTRESSED JEANS: BALLIN ON A BUDGET • Today I will teach you how to distress your own jeans with just a scissor and a tweezer. It is pretty easy but very time-consuming. You can skip to 4:10 to automatically get into the tutorial. • I love you all!! So excited about all the growth that is happening. Let's continue to grow together, Subscribe! A quick reminder that Jesus loves you so much! There is nothing you could do to make him stop loving you! :) • S U B S C R I B E • / ricelyestela • New Videos at least once a week, sometimes twice :) • Sub Count: 3,390 • • Y O U ' L L L O V E T H E S E V I D E O S T O O • BUDGET FRIENDLY ROOM/OFFICE TOUR: MINIMALIST | BOHO | MIDCENTURY MODERN DECOR: • BUDGET FRIENDLY ROOM/OFFICE TOUR: MIN... • WHO KNOWS ME BETTER: MOM VS. BESTFRIEND | SHE DOES'NT KNOW MY BIRTHDAY: • WHO KNOWS ME BETTER: MOM VS. BESTFRIE... • HOW TO GET DEFINED CURLS WITH THE DENMAN BRUSH | TIPS TRICKS: • HOW TO GET DEFINED CURLS WITH THE DEN... • GRADUATING AT 20 🐊 | LEAVING GAINESVILLE VLOG (EMOTIONAL): • GRADUATING AT 20 🐊 | LEAVING GAINESVI... • • F O L L O W • Instagram | @RicelyEstela • Snapchat | @RicelyEstela • Facebook | / ricelyestela • • R I C E L Y • My name is Ricely and I am a full-time student and aspiring entrepreneur. I am so excited to bring you all along this journey of going to the next level in every area of my life, business, and faith. Over here it's not about perfection, but it is about progression. I hope I inspire you all to come along this journey with me of becoming full-time entrepreneurs, thriving not only in our business but in every area of our lives. • - • This video is all about how to distress your own jeans, diy distressed jeans, how to diy rip your jeans, distressing made easy, do it yourself distressing, ballin on a budget, how to get ripped jeans for free