All Saints morning Mass from St Peters Bearsted UK
Mass readings: • Weekly parish newsletter: • Join us for Mass from St Peter's Roman Catholic Parish, Bearsted, Maidstone in the United Kingdom. • Please pray for us, for the world, and be assured of our prayers for you and your loved ones. • God bless you all. • Some people have expressed a wish to make a donation to the parish and had some difficulty with online banking or international transfers. Our diocese has helpfully set up a PayPal donation link which will hopefully make the process easier for those who wish to donate online, instead of by cheque or bank transfer. You can donate online via PayPal here: - please include a reference with the donation so we know how to allocate the funds to your specific request (e.g. weekly collection , poor box, Mass intention offering, etc.). • Please email me if this streaming resource has been helpful, if you have a Mass intention, or if there's any way we might be able to help: [email protected] • STREAMING SCHEDULE (all times UK): • Monday: Mass - 10.00am • Tuesday: Mass - 10.00am • Friday: Mass - 10.00am • Saturday: Vigil Mass - 6.00pm • Sunday: Mass - 10.00am • Act of Spiritual Communion: • My Jesus, • I believe that You • are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. • I love You above all things, • and I desire to receive You into my soul. • Since I cannot at this moment • receive You sacramentally, • come at least spiritually into my heart. • I embrace You as if You were already there • and unite myself wholly to You. • Never permit me to be separated from You. • Amen.